CyberNews | Edition 4 - 2024

April 30, 2024

In this edition of the Cybernews Newsletter, we highlight the main news that permeated the digital and data protection landscape in April 2024.

In the last newsletter, we discussed the stronger commitment to the enforcement of LGPD by the Labor Prosecution Office in relation to its position for maintaining the Equal Pay Report, by the City Hall of São Paulo when assuming the Presidency of the Municipal Data Protection Forum, and by the Prosecution Office in the investigations into the use of the citizen’s Tax ID by drugstores to offer discounts.

Earlier this month, we pointed out that challenges continue as companies face pressure to meet equal pay reporting deadlines. In a recent decision, the Federal Court of the 6th Region suspended the effects of the injunction that exempted companies with 100 or more employees from disclosing salary transparency reports.

On another front, there was progress in the implementation of “open health” in Brazil, and the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp) held an event to discuss the most appropriate ways to respond to cyber incidents. Also, the Federal Police arrested the suspect of the largest data leakage in Brazil – which occurred in 2021.


Also noteworthy is the performance of the legislative branch, through the National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (Conanda), in the approval of Conanda Resolution No. 245/2024, which provides for the rights of children and adolescents in the digital environment, as well as in the discussion of Complementary Bill No. 234/2023, which intends to establish the Data Empowerment General Law (LGED), which will provide for the Brazilian data monetization ecosystem in Brazil.

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