Alexandre de Almeida Cardoso

Areas of expertise: Arbitration, Labor & Social Security
Languages: Spanish
Location: São Paulo
Telephone: +55 (11) 5086-5288

Partner in the Labor practice group at TozziniFreire, Alexandre has over 25 years of experience in representing companies with complex and strategic matters, both individually and collectively. He has extensive experience in union negotiations on the most diverse issues, such as union framework, revision of conditions in base date periods, remuneration policies, and corporate restructuring (workforce adaptation, shutdown of business activities, and termination of production branches). He also provides preventive counseling to employers, focusing on labor compliance, social media, confidentiality and non-compete agreements, compensation, as well as benefits. Alexandre also represents companies in disputes related to executive employment contracts and in collective bargaining, including in administrative inquiries and public civil lawsuits filed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

// Academic education

Studied at the Academy of American and International Law of The Center for American and International Law, USA, 2006.  Doctor"s degree in Labor Law from the Law School of USP (Universidade de São Paulo), 2003.  Master"s degree in Labor Law from the Law School of USP, 1999.  Graduate of the Law School of USP, 1996.

// Recognition

Alexandre is recommended by national and international legal publications and organizations such as Chambers Latin America, Latin Lawyer 250, Who’s Who Legal, The Legal 500, and Análise Advocacia 500.

// Additional Activities

  • Member of the Superior Council for Labor Relations, linked to FIESP.
  • Member of the Trade Union Law Committee, linked to OAB/SP
  • Holder of the Chair No. 37 of APDT (São Paulo Labor Law Academy).
  • Board Member of CESA (Center for Studies of Law Firms).
  • Member of AASP (São Paulo Lawyers Association).   
  • Member of IASP (Institute of Lawyers of São Paulo).   
  • Professor in the graduate and postgraduate programs. 

// Publications

"Os Tratados Existentes e as Relações Trabalhistas e Previdenciárias". In Constitucionalização do Direito do Trabalho no MERCOSUL. São Paulo: LTr, 1998.

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